Well it’s time to start making this build look like a bike again.
One thing I love about building a project is that you get to buy so many new parts. It makes it feel like Christmas morning every time the post arrives…
Such as:
New rear disk.
New Renthal sprockets plus Tsubaki Sigma–XRG chain.
Got me some new rubber, and new bearings here, there and everywhere.

Workshop in the winter was giving me frostbite, so I moved the operation inside. This did not make me particularly popular but it did mean that I didn’t have to worry about bashing newly powder-coated parts on a concrete floor.
See below for the frame, sub frame, swing arm and shock together.
Worst Wrenching
I was putting the rear sprocket using a set of Pro Bolt Anodised Aluminium nuts (swish) with an old torque wrench when I realised I had set up the torque wrench the wrong way round and, as a result, my work had destroyed the nut and the thread on the bolt. Sigh…

Anyway new bolt and nut (more expense…) and rear wheel is done.
Now on to the front end and another tasty buy. As I said, I was not sure on raised bars and have decided that I do prefer the look and feel of the clip-ons. So I treated myself to these beauties:
Don't powder your forks...
Frontend on. I will just say to anyone who is thinking of powder coating their forks, don’t. It’s not worth the hassle, they’re a bastard to get in without scratching them. Took my brother and I ages to painstakingly get them in there but because the yokes need to be so tight they will mark the powder anyway, meaning that they can not be moved up or down without showing the scratches.
Installing the Engine (Solo)
As I had no help this evening, I had a very interesting time installing the engine… cough, cough; but I got it in finally and without scratching the powder… Yay.
Master Cylinders vs Clip Ons...and the Clip Ons are down and out
Trying some other bits and pieces on. Came across another discovery, the master cylinders will not fit on the new clips ons. This is a pain as it means more expense but does allow me to get new radial ones. I can hear the word Brembo in my head 🙂
Official Registration
Also installed the VIN plate. You can also see some of the damage from installing the forks.